Honestly, things at work have been hectic. And not in a good way. A new department is being created to help "align resources," and my department is now a part of this new department, which no one can really seem to make decisions regarding. There is a director for the new department, who doesn't officially start until January, but who will be making periodic visits before then. Our relationship with her is unclear. Not to mention the fact that several of the people I work with have decided (and I can't blame them, really) that they don't like her. I think this will lead to our department having access to better resources, but hopefully it won't do too much damage to how well we do our jobs. We've got a good thing, and it's in danger of being changed beyond recognition and ruined. What's that they say about things that aren't broken and how to fix them? There is already loud, noisy construction in the back half of our department (after recent renovations to our building finally resulted in a physical space designed just for us).
Sorry to be necessarily vague about all of this, but no reason to get myself in trouble with the new boss (if she is indeed my boss, because it's all very unclear) before she officially starts by blogging negatively and publicly about her and where I work by name. Anyone who knows me will have already heard about some of this, though, and those who haven't can put the pieces together more than likely.
To sum up, the reason I haven't posted lately has been: stress. I have had to stay late at work too often, and am stressed when I get there, stressed when I leave, and so I haven't wanted to do much more than watch TV, eat, and sleep when I get home.