The latest bit of excitement is that I'm going to try getting a kitten. I already have one cat, and he has had mild success getting along with other cats in the past (i.e., in 10 years he's gotten along with one other cat, and they met when he was a kitten himself). When angered, Gandalf the Grey (named that before it became trendy, mind you) tends to do typical cat things to vent his frustration--scratch my roommate's love seat, come into the room of the offending party (me) and stare directly at them (me) as he urinates all over their (my) book case's lower shelves, things like that. The organization I'm going to try to get a kitten from will allow me to "foster" the kitten with the option to adopt. If it works out, all the better. If not, I'll just say goodbye to that lower row of books on my shelves. I read one website that says that resident cats who are upset by new things "regress" and forget to use the litter box. It's not regression, it's pure and vindictive vengeance. Why else must he have eye contact before urinating all over my stuff?
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