On the road through Atlanta

Whilst in the middle of what is normally a 4 hour drive, recently taking 5 hours thanks to the hell that is rush hour traffic in Atlanta, I dared a much needed glance at my car's gas gauge. As the needle inched closer to the "E", I felt that immediate action should be taken. I found a nice, quiet little Citgo gas station for myself and Katrina Eveshka (yes, the car has a name), shut off the engine, reached my hand down to pull the lever that opens the little door to the gas tank, pulled, and felt nothing.

I pulled again.


Baffled, I repeated said actions a few more times in disbelief, then got out of the car to double check that indeed, the gas tank was as locked against me as ever.

I reached for the user's manual to my 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage. "The lever to open the fuel tank is located to the left of the driver's side seat, inside the door. See diagram." Thanks a lot, you sons of bitches. Real helpful there.

Undeterred, I phoned the Mitsubishi dealership where I had bought the car almost 4 years ago--the salesman's business card was still tucked away inside the user's manual--and begged for assistance.

Transfer to the technician in the service department.

"Try opening the trunk and pulling the lining out of that so you can see the thick wire that connects the lever to the door. Tug on that wire. Didn't work? Hmm, try ripping out more of the carpet lining your trunk and reach around the opening of the tank and open the door from the inside. Still didn't work? I bet the spring fell out or broke or something. Anyone there with you? You're alone? Ok, try wedging the lever up with something, yeah, a pocket knife will do, and then use something flat, like a key, and open the door. What's that you say? 'Holy shit, it worked?' Well, you're certainly welcome ma'am. Have a nice day."

And thus I managed to continue my trip. With the carpet ripped out of my trunk. I'm a practical woman, and in a choice between being stranded in Atlanta and ripping out the carpet.... well, that's not really a choice at all, now is it?