So I've decided that, since blogs provide nice ways of posting faceless personal information, that I might as well abuse the medium, destroy the faith of my readers, and indulge my secret desire to compulsively lie all at the same time. And so the Mercykillers is born.
Though part of me has hedged the possibility of keeping the fictional nature of the blog under wraps, I figure I need readers before anything else. The major story arc of the blog hasn't quite been decided yet, and I'm not really sure who Gabriel is, but he knows who he is, so all's well.
As for the anonymity of the thing, is it weird that I want people to think it's real? Or, failing that, to use the potential reality of the blog as part of the aesthetics? Lemme know what you all think, if you wind up visiting.
Though part of me has hedged the possibility of keeping the fictional nature of the blog under wraps, I figure I need readers before anything else. The major story arc of the blog hasn't quite been decided yet, and I'm not really sure who Gabriel is, but he knows who he is, so all's well.
As for the anonymity of the thing, is it weird that I want people to think it's real? Or, failing that, to use the potential reality of the blog as part of the aesthetics? Lemme know what you all think, if you wind up visiting.
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