
This is such a useful website, with an awesome name. "Archaeologica". I really love the sound of that. Seems so academic and authoritative. However, the design hurts me. Now, I'm not a website design nazi or anything--I know I've had my run-ins with busy backgrounds, poor layout, and mismatched colors. I guess since I like this site, I wish it looked a bit more streamlined. I really like their Archaeological News section for its wonderful content updated daily and while I haven't browsed through the Resources page yet, it looks like there are a lot of good links on there. Now if only its appearance were a little more refined. Then again, I go there for the content more than anything else. And hey, I only got halfway through changing link colors and such for the template of Mountains of Kaf here, so who am I to talk about poor website design? At least the site works and you can get around in it. Even if the appearance is sort of... busy.