the Highlands Ability battery

Well, I just finished a test known as the Highlands Ability battery. It's an inventory that measures abilities and configures how those abilities would best perform in various environments. It's like the Myers-Briggs, but not with that weak IPNJ shit. No sir, the report this bitch generates is all of 37 pages long.

And, although I haven't gotten debriefed yet, let me say that it is pretty obvious that I'm amazing. <(^^<) (>^^)> <(^^<) (>^^)> Happy marshmallow dance! Or Kirby, I guess, from the old Nintendo game. But I like to think it's a marshmallow. (Plus, I never played any of the Kirby games.)

Anyhow, pretty soon I'm going to write a review of Sigur Ros's new album, Takk..., because a piece of music like this deserves widespread attention. It's almost impossible to condense into words the experience of listening to a record so shattering that it makes you reevaluate your entire music collection. You should buy it. And then send us pictures of yourselves listening to it.

P.S. I totally took this personality test/ability inventory/life-deciding thing while drinking beer.

Not dead!

Hello, folks! Your favorite fire-eye here. I'm surprisingly not dead, I just had to move back home and thus contend with 1) crazy parents and 2) 26.6k dialup, seriously and 3) crazy parents. But right now I'm crashing at a cousin's house in Austin, TX, working on an information design project for a major medical billing company.

I feel like an adult!

Shit. I feel like an adult.

Anyway, I'll probably post more often, now that it doesn't take 3 minutes to load the freakin' blog. I hate to break up Genie's winning streak of "longest time for single poster in a dual-posting blog to post alone," but it was going to happen sooner or later.

Also: it's 100 degrees here, all week. No kidding.


Well, the tags and categories thing is going to take a little work, I think. Eh, well, I'll get it working.

Filed in:

Tags and Categories

I'm excited--I just found a blog that shows three ways to use and technorati tags with Blogger. Awesome. Since this is the first post I''m going to try it on, we'll see how well this works out.