Nepotism and art

So I was telling the HR director about the brilliance of a band known as modest mouse, maybe you've heard of them? Anyhow, I was discussing the merits of their most recent album, 2004's Good News For People Who Love Bad News, and a woman who works in coding and credentialing heard me talk about it. She decided that since I was a music buff, I'd appreciate the music made by her son's band.

At first I was skeptical, I admit. She said, "Maybe you'd like to listen to my son's band," without context, which made me think, Crap, her kid's music is going to blow and I'll have to find some way of suggesting it "just isn't me," or something equally facile. Also I guess I'm a bit of a music snob / pretentious ass / jerk.

So she tells me the name of the band, Voxtrot, and hands me a copy of an article printed about them in Spin! magazine. I don't respect media outlets, but it at least gives me an indicator of their scope, i.e., it's not her eighth grader's band playing in their garage.

So I find their MySpace site and I realize, while I don't like all of their songs, "Missing Pieces" gives me a chill when it hits the bridge that I don't normally get from music unless it's something I like.

So I've found the first new local band worth something! Sweet.