Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.

So now I've finally got my own job, my own place, my own everything. And today was the first day of Real Work, which was also cool. Until I realized that the project I'm working on--managing a database of exported stuff from another billing firm--is so huge, like 200,000 transactions huge, that if I don't get it done soon, there's a chance the firm I work for is screwed.

Bigtime screwed.

For our anniversary, however, Genie got me World of Warcraft. It's awesome. I leveled to 14 in three days, because it consumes the waking hours I don't spend on Adult Swim (also My Name is Earl and Boston Legal).

You want to look me up, I'm the 14 Night Elf Druid named Theramide (or the 3 Night Elf Rogue named Ramiel).

Also? Watch the Boondocks. Seriously. It's excellent. In a way that hasn't been seen on TV since All in the Family.