World of Warcraft Wedding Vows

Also referred to as the "WoW Vow," we've decided to write wedding vows for the dedicated WoW player who is also taking that next big step in life to join their gaming habits with those of another. The following wedding vows were written by our friend the Skank, with some input from myself and Djinn. Ahem.

I vow to be your faithful priest, understanding that WoW requires a difficult balance of damage and healing. Character classes can not be chosen lightly, they should be chosen for the purpose of mutual fellowhip, pvp night, and general crafting. I hear by pledge to play my account with thee and only thee. Your name will be the one I call out in the night, unless you are playing your alt. This is my sacred vow before God.

In the name of Blizzard I (blank) take you (blank) to be my wife,
to dance and to gank with from this day forward,
through good instance runs and bad,
through low mana and low health,
through the Touch of Zanzil and Greater Heals,
until we are parted by subscription cancellation.
