grad school remix: update

Well, the applications were sent, the letters are in, and I now know where I will be moving at the end of June, which is much better than the situation a week ago, since I only knew when I would be moving, and not where. I have been accepted to graduate school for an MA in Anthropology (at a school which, for the sake of a pseudonymous web presence, shall not be named). Yay!! Life has a purpose again! My mind shall no longer be going stagnant! I'm going to be a graduate student!

oh god

I'm going to be a graduate student...........

oh god

Ok, moment of panic over. Back to being happy! Don't think about paying for school.... an apartment.... leaving my job..... oh, my job that I used to enjoy.....

Though, added bonus, no more listening to the Wicked Witch of the Monumental Mouth (she who shall not be named and shall never shut up) at work.